Monday, February 23, 2009

We wrote a letter to Deuce McAllister

When the afternoon kids heard that Deuce McAllister was cut from the SAINTS, they wanted to write him a letter. Here is what they wrote:

Dear Our Favorite Saints player,

I am so sorry your leg got hurt. We love your sport. You are the most famous football player. I am so sorry that you don’t get to play for the SAINTS anymore. Can you come to our class? You are our favorite player on the SAINTS. We have a little hamster named Deuce and we named him after you. Your team is our favorite team out of all the teams. You can come visit anytime. We want to say “Boo Broncos” and “Go Saints”. Our teacher, Ms. Baker, really likes the Saints. Maybe you can come out to recess and teach us how to play football. Can you come in your football suit?

Ms. Baker’s PM Kindergarten Class

1 comment:

brizmus said...

LOL! That is just the CUTEST thing ever! I soooo so so so SO hope that he resonds! I will be so sad if he doesn't! Speaking of letters, did you guys get my postcard yet?